Monday, April 7, 2008

MDA a Canadian Asset

Good morning all. Well it seems that Mr. Layton is speaking up loudly about the proposed sale of MDA to ATK. If you are not aware of this very serious Canadian news story, please click on the title of this post and it will take you to a list of news stories that you can use to bring yourself up to speed. I agree with Mr. Layton that a legal challenge must be put forth to halt this sale. Our tax dollars paid for a very large part of Radarsat and a large part of MDA. Also, in the news stories you will hear the President of MDA & ATK saying that Canada will maintain complete control over the information gathered via Radarsat. Bullshit! Do you honestly believe for an atto second that the American Government with its' penchant for war and spying, on others & their own citizens, will allow this incredibly sensitive satellite's information be culled by us Canadians and then passed on to the Americans? Hah! The laws that currently exist in America will allow them to completly shut us out from the information gathered. All in the name of national security. Heard of Patriot Act I & II? MDA built this with the idea of the Canadian government using it for our national security. It was to be used to patrol the Arctic waters in he name of Canadian Sovereignty. Also, if this division of MDA is sold, the patents then fall into the Americans hands. They can then build the NEXT generation Radarsat and keep us out. What the hell is wrong with our government? The conservative party is just a wing of the Republican machine. Harper and his band of idiots are slowly eroding our Sovereignty and selling off Canadian interests. If you get a chance, look up the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, also known as the SPP. This the formation of the North American Union the introduction of the Amero (they're already printed!) and the unification of all military command structures. What can you do right now? Email, phone and fax your MP & Jim Prentice, the Minister of Industry, and let them know you want this sale stopped. That you as a Canadian taxpayer do not support this sale. Let them know that an election is near and they will not get your support if they continue to rape Canada. Educate yourself on the happenings on North American union, coordinated military structures and police departments. Seek alternate forms of information, remember only 7 companies control 80% of all the media we see, read and hear. Open your eyes to the signs, learn to put 1 together with 1 and see not only possible outcomes but plausable ones. Well, I'm off to the gym. Bye for know. -RM-

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