Sunday, April 6, 2008

Theft of BC Power & Water

I once thanked heaven that the Liberals won the election and that we got the incompetent NDP out of governing. Wow, the NDP may have been incompetent at governing, but the Liberals are masters of theft, deception, bullying and just plain old not-nice-ness. I have posted a link here, the title of the post, Theft of BC..., is the link, that leads to a short video about the theft of BC's rivers for private power manufacturing. I knew the BC Liberals where in bed with business, but taking it AND making US swallow it shouldn't be part of the arrangment. Please take a few moments to view the video and share it with friends. It only takes a few days of sharing it with various address books and this informative video will reach thousands. More people need to see this and make some decisions. There is another election coming up, and the people truly do have the power, for now, to make a change if they wish. Also, send this posting to your MLA and let them know you are watching them and that they may be on U.I. if they don't shape up. Also, if there are any lawyers reading this, I wonder if a challenge was made to Bill 30, The BC Energy Plan, stating that the BC Hydro Act, from W.A.C. Bennett's day, supercedes this new act. I wonder if a Supreme Court run could be mounted to have the new energy plan repealed and go back to the original plan that actually benefits all BC residents and not those large companies that helped out ol' Gordo. Also, how are they getting the water rights license overnight when it takes an average BC resident years with a good lawyer? I guess my cheque to the Liberals wasn't big enough. Well, I'm off to find new things to talk about, so please view the video and share it with your friends. Thank you.

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